Author: Len

More Lessons

I’ve been thinking about lessons that God has allowed into my life, and I realized that sometimes these lessons came in some rather odd wrapping. In fact, many times I hadn’t even realized they were lessons until some time had passed. I actually believe that somewhere in every experience is a life lesson. Romans 8:28 […]

The Call

How did I ever end up becoming a pastor? Was it the result of a career decision on my part, like when I left the Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office to accept a job with Co-operators Insurance Services or was there something else going on as well? I believe my move from the insurance industry to […]

What Now?

I had made the decision to follow Jesus, but unlike many I did it without the benefit of being part of a church. I was pretty sure that I should be part of a church but how would I find one. My first choice was to begin attending the church where we had been married, […]